The purpose of the Cape Cod Republican Club is to strengthen the Republican Party and foster Republican Party principles on Cape Cod & The Islands by:
In order to achieve these stated purposes, we do hereby set forth these By-laws, which shall govern our conduct as an arm of the Republican Party of Massachusetts to better serve the people of the Commonwealth.
Article I: Name
The name of the organization is “Cape Cod Republican Club“ hereinafter known as “CCRC”.
Article II: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year is the calendar year.
Article III: Membership
Any person of voting age, who is registered to vote Republican, is eligible for membership upon payment of dues. Members shall have the right to vote on matters considered at any meeting of the membership, including the election of officers and changes to the By-laws.
Article IV: Annual Membership Fees
For the purpose of establishing membership the membership year shall commence on January 1 and conclude on December 31.
The annual membership fee ( dues ) in the amount established from time to time by a membership meeting shall be due and payable on January 1st. Dues remaining unpaid by April 1st of that year will be cause for revocation of membership. There shall be no pro-rata adjustment for enrollment during the fiscal year.
If any member fails to pay dues by July 1st , the President may direct the Secretary to notify that person by mail / email ( at the last known address ) that his / her membership is ended, with voting rights and mailings suspended.
The Executive Board, on at least an annual basis , shall review the membership rolls and determine membership status.
Article V: Membership Meetings
Membership meetings shall be held in each fiscal year consisting of an annual meeting in the Spring and additional meetings to be held as called by the President. Membership meeting notices shall be sent by mail and/or email (at the preference of the member) to all members not more than thirty ( 30 ) days or less than fifteen ( 15 ) days before any membership meeting.
A majority of the Executive Board or twenty ( 20 ) percent of the membership of the CCRC may call a meeting of the membership.
Membership meetings may be held either in person or via video (Zoom, etc.)
There shall be no voting by proxy.
Twenty Five (25) members shall constitute a quorum.
Article VI: Election of Officers
Officers of the CCRC shall be elected at the annual meeting in odd numbered years so as not to occur during the normal state election cycle.
Prior to March of each odd numbered year the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of five members. The function of the Nominating Committee is to recommend a slate of officers and Executive Board members to fill open and/or expiring positions at the next annual meeting. No more than two (2) Nominating Committee members shall be current Executive Board members.
The Nominating Committee shall elect its own chairperson.
The Nominating Committee shall, whenever possible, submit names of members for office to the CCRC in such manner that the officers of the club are representative of the different regions of the Cape Cod & the Islands.
Additional nominations, if seconded, shall be accepted from the floor before voting.
Article VII: Officers
Officers shall be chosen from the CCRC membership to serve for a period of two (2) years.
The officers shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The elected officers are responsible for the day to day operation of the CCRC.
Article VIII: Duties of the Officers
President: The President is the chief executive officer and shall preside at all membership meetings. He/she shall call, at his/her discretion, meetings of the Executive Board and shall preside at said meetings.
He/she shall employ all necessary assistance subject to the approval of the Executive Board, (including the establishment of Sub-Committees), for carrying out the CCRC’s work, and shall direct the functioning of the CCRC, including the calling of regular meetings of the Executive Board.
The President shall be authorized to sign checks.
Vice President: The Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the CCRC in the absence of the President.
The Vice President shall be responsible for CCRC communications including print, social & electronic media. He/she or delegated members will send via email or mail press releases, event notices and CCRC information per approval of the CCRC President.
He/she shall perform all other duties required by law assigned by the President, or otherwise provided.
Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain permanent records, including minutes of all membership and Executive Board meetings, including the membership data base of the CCRC. The minutes of each meeting shall be submitted to the President and Officers within two (2) weeks of said meeting.
He/she shall serve Ex-Officio on the Membership Committee.
He/she shall perform all other duties required by law, assigned by the President or otherwise herein provided.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds, maintain the books of the CCRC on a current basis, conduct the annual solicitation of the membership fees and file all required state and federal returns and reports; give a detailed report of the CCRC financial condition to the Executive Board at Executive Board meetings and Membership Meetings. The records shall be subject to audit as determined by the Executive Board.
The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks.
Article IX: Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of all elected officers of the CCRC (4), members of the State Committee representing Barnstable County (4), and three (3) at large representatives appointed by the president from the general membership and any additional sub committee chair(s) designated by the president . Only the officers and at large representatives shall be voting members of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall serve and have authority for the CCRC’s operation within the framework of these By-laws . A quorum shall consist of six (6) members of the Executive Board, at least three (3) of which shall be elected officers, and a majority vote of those present shall constitute a valid and binding decision of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall have the authority to fill, by appointment , any vacancy among the elected officer positions. Any officer may be removed by a three-fourths (¾) of the full membership of the Executive Board provided that proper notice has been sent to all members of the Executive Board that the removal of an officer is to be considered.
Executive Board meeting notices shall be sent by mail/email to all Executive Board members at least seven (7) days prior to any meeting.
Executive Board meetings may be called at the discretion of the President.
At the written direction of at least three (3) officers, the Secretary will call a meeting of the Executive Board.
Article XI : Treasury
The Treasury of the CCRC shall be kept and maintained in the form of a checking account in a bank with a local branch office.
Ordinary operating expenditures up to the amount of two hundred and fifty ($250) may be approved by the President and Treasurer.
Ordinary operating expenditures up to and including one thousand ($1,000) may be approved by the Executive Board.
Ordinary operating expenditures over one thousand ($1,000) must be approved by majority vote of the membership present at a regular or special meeting.
Article XII: Sub Committees
The president and/or Executive Board may establish and / or dissolve sub committees as required to carry out the work of the CCRC.
The Chairperson of a sub committee may, subject to the approval of the President, select up to four (4) CCRC members to assist in the performance of his/her duties.
Examples of potential Sub Committees include but are not limited to the following:
Membership: To promote and grow the membership of the CCRC through the solicitation of new members and the retention of existing members.
Publicity: To promote public awareness of the CCRC and its goals, accomplishments, meetings and fundraising events.
Program: To arrange and provide programs and facilities for membership meetings, which will be of interest to members and which will encourage attendance at these meetings.
Finance: To oversee the financial condition of the CCRC and to make recommendations for improving its finances.
By-Law Review: To ensure satisfactory compliance with the By-Laws and propose By-Law revisions for consideration as needed.
Scholarship: To organize and carry out the CCRC high school scholarship program.
Website & Media: To develop and maintain the CCRC website as well as relevant media tools.
Article XIII: Party Affiliation
The CCRC shall cooperate with the Republican Town Committees of the Cape & Islands to promote the principles and to encourage enrollment within the Party.
Article XIV: Endorsement and/or Support of Candidates
The CCRC shall not endorse any candidate for election to any Federal, State, County, District or Municipal office before a contested Republican Party Primary election.
The CCRC shall not sponsor or endorse any candidate or in any way serve the interest of any political party other than the Republican Party.
This prohibition in no way shall prevent any individual member or members from personal endorsement of Republican candidates prior to the primary election.
Article XV: Amendments
The CCRC By-Laws may be amended at any regular membership meeting . Proposed changes shall be identified to the membership no more than forty ( 40 ) nor less than fifteen ( 15 ) days in advance of the meeting. Copies may be handed out at a previous meeting or sent by email, as each member prefers.
Any amendment will become effective forthwith by a two-thirds ( 2/3rds ) vote of the CCRC members present and voting.
Article XVI: Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order ( Revised ) shall govern all proceedings except when inconsistent with the By-Laws of the CCRC or when waived by a two-thirds ( 2/3rds ) vote of the CCRC members present and voting.
Record of CCRC By-Law Revisions & Amendments
August 28, 2001 by vote of the Annual Meeting adopted the initial By-Laws.
Amended May 26, 2004 to legally change the name from Barnstable County Republican Club to Cape Cod Republican Club.
Adopted by unanimous vote at the September 26, 2021 Annual Meeting
Copyright © 2024 Cape Cod Republican Club - All Rights Reserved.